Has anyone used Jive Software? I've not met anyone that actually has hands on experience but it looks like an awesome tool for using social media to either A) organize your business internally like an intranet or B) build a social network around your product like Nike did with their Nike+ network.

Here is a link to a one-hour demo I watched a few weeks ago. I'm posting the link here as much for myself to remember as for others to check it out.


I'd love to hear from anyone who has used Jive. I'm obviously a fan of Ning, as this network is built upon that platform, but I think hosting the database yourself and having some of the customization tools available in Jive would add even extra features to a social network. It would certainly help you identify SMEs.

Here is an article wrote after attending the Jive roadshow last fall, about what corporations need to start thinking about building their own social entities.


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